Writing Resources

In each of my books, I include a section at the back that has Words to Know and Create Your Own Stories. I encourage kids to read books and then write stories in that world with those characters. There’s no better way to take a trip than to create that trip yourself.

Are you looking for a writing coach for your kids – I can help. I specialize in working with kids to teach them the fundamentals of story creation. Creating stories is the basis for writing novels and creating video games. Hire me here:


Future Skills:

I also offer a workshop for kids to help them craft video game stories. This teaches them skills in writing, game design, and programming – all needed skills for future jobs.

Future Skills: Crafting Video Game Stories

Writing Links

Posts: Imagination Inspiration – I feature collections of pictures to help inspire stories in kids

Paper: Writing during the shutdown – a list of writing activities for kids

Paper: Write a book – guidance and step by step plan to help kids write a full book

Post: Writing Prompts – Each week, Reedsy posts writing prompts for a weekly writing contest. Even if you don’t enter the contest, it’s a good place for writing prompts.

Post: Writing with balance – An activity to take a paragraph and practice rewriting it.

Paper: Writing short stories – Steps for kids to take to write a complete short story. This can be fan fiction or their own characters. Also found in the Wee Collection of Yarns book.

Podcast: Merriam Webster Word Matters – learn about words and language – their surprising history and mis-conceptions.

Podcast: Grammar Girl – short episodes that discuss, in detail, different word topics

Link: 6 Ways to Inspire Reluctant Writers – a blog article from Lulu Junior with ideas to get kids writing

Email list: Merriam Webster word a day

Email List: Dictionary.com word a day

Post: Why Teach Video Game Storytelling

Post Series: Video Game Training – Creating Your Own Choose Your Own Adventure Book

Post: Interview with eSports coaches from Bio Med Science Academy

Post: Video Game Storytelling with Evan Skolnick

SERIES: Illustory – LULU Jr. has a package that allows kids to write a story and turn it into an actual book! I love this package. Check out my videos.

SERIES: What to do with old books

SERIES: CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE: create a choose your own adventure book as prep for video games.

Part 1 – Intro: What and Why

Part 2 – Getting Started – Gather your supplies and prepare for the story

Part 3 – Paths – The different paths and laying out the story

Post: Writing Exercise Blue Beetle Movie Story – a writing exercise you can do with kids to help learn the parts of a story

SERIES: Supercharge Your Kids – preparing them for the future

Part 1 – Intro

Part 2 – The Problems

Parents and Educators

My mission is to inspire kids to use their imagination and show them how they can create a fulfilling life. My focus is on stories - for books, video games, and more. I have teaching resources on my site for you to help them, including in each book and short story - yes, even the free ones.

Once in awhile I send an email with updates on the new material. Sign up to be informed and get some teaching materials along with stories for the kids to read and be inspired by.

Sign up now and get a brand new Town Magician story not available anywhere else!


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