This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Newsletter Emails

I want to welcome everyone to a glorious fall! I do so love the Ohio colors during this time of year. It can be inspiring, plus we’re getting into my holiday favorites of the year – Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas! I watch scary movies, spend time playing board games with family, and of course, it also means Charlie Brown specials.


If you’re in the northeast Ohio area, I’m going to be appearing multiple places in the coming months. Better still, I’m teaching my videogame storytelling class at a couple recreation centers and local school. If that is of interest, check out my home page to see the latest updates:

And you can tell any kids that may ask, Hunter is doing very well. I will have some pictures at my table for any appearances. He also is a part of the gang in the upcoming Oddish Questor books (see below).

New Articles

I’m continuing adding to my writing resources – There’s an article about the Blue Beetle movie and a connected writing exercise. I also have the first 2 articles in the Choose Your Own Adventure series to help guide kids on making their own CYOA books. This is an important skill when it comes to later creating videogame stories.

If you’re an educator of any sort, check out the page for other activities. I’m trying to build a resource to help kids write, so any thoughts would be great.

Upcoming Books

I have so many things being juggled right now. Of course, Town Magician 2: Transgression of Magic is very close. In fact, I’m looking for a couple beta readers that are interested in supplying feedback. If you know someone, please pass this along and have them contact me at: Thanks!

The first Oddish Questor book is coming along nicely. This is a group of teenage paranormal investigator siblings. Inspired by Scooby-Doo. I’ll probably have a short story at Christmas time before the actual book emerges.

And I’m almost done with my Podcasting tips book. This is taken from the first year of interviews on Discovered Wordsmiths. There are contributions from all the authors and it’s a great look at the similarities and differences in the writing and publishing journey.

Pass it Along

I truly appreciate each of you for being on my list and reading these emails. Feel free to write back with any thoughts and questions. If you know of a teacher, homeschool parent, librarian or educator – forward this to them, please. I’m doing school visits with multiple little workshops I do with the kids. I did one earlier this year where the kids ‘helped’ me write a story, but really they were learning about story structure. They are getting a short story collection with the story ideas they came up with. Look for that soon also – and if you would like to discuss me doing something similar with your kids and students, let me know –

Thanks and

Enjoy the Adventure!

S.A. Schneider

Series NavigationNewsletter Email – May 2023 >>

Parents and Educators

My mission is to inspire kids to use their imagination and show them how they can create a fulfilling life. My focus is on stories - for books, video games, and more. I have teaching resources on my site for you to help them, including in each book and short story - yes, even the free ones.

Once in awhile I send an email with updates on the new material. Sign up to be informed and get some teaching materials along with stories for the kids to read and be inspired by.

Sign up now and get a brand new Town Magician story not available anywhere else!


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