Newsletter Email – Sept 2023

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Newsletter EmailsI want to welcome everyone to a glorious fall! I do so love the Ohio colors during this time of year. It can be inspiring, plus we’re getting into my holiday favorites of the year – Halloween,...

Newsletter Email – May 2023

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Newsletter EmailsHey all, I wanted to touch base with everyone in the hopes that we can meet face to face and chat sometime in the next couple months. I will be doing an author visit on Thurs May 18 at Southeast primary schools....

Newsletter Email – February 2023

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Newsletter EmailsHello [FIRST NAME GOES HERE], Greetings once again. I wanted to shoot you a quick email to mention a writer’s festival happening this weekend. If in Northeast Ohio, Main Street Ravenna and Reed...

Newsletter Email – Feb 2023

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Newsletter EmailsDo you even remember who I am? Quick reminder – my name is Stephen and I write middle grade fantasy under the name S.A. Schneider. My first book in the Town Magician series, Embracing the Magic, has...

Parents and Educators

My mission is to inspire kids to use their imagination and show them how they can create a fulfilling life. My focus is on stories - for books, video games, and more. I have teaching resources on my site for you to help them, including in each book and short story - yes, even the free ones.

Once in awhile I send an email with updates on the new material. Sign up to be informed and get some teaching materials along with stories for the kids to read and be inspired by.

Sign up now and get a brand new Town Magician story not available anywhere else!


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